Mike Sweeney took a deep look at Andy Pettitte’s back as he set to throw on a 1-2 count. As Pettitte bowed his head to ready himself to throw the pitch home, Sweeney walked down the third baseline and took off sprinting home. Sliding head first into the plate, Sweeney was called safe on the first Royals’ steal of home in almost 25 years.
A mom and an eight-year-old boy stood halfway up the first base line and watched as Sweeney scampered home. The ecstatic mother jumped out of her seat, as the young boy cowered in his Derek Jeter #2 jersey. The surrounding crowd stood stout with pride taking the lead versus the best team in baseball.
The boy remembered the final score, remembered the players, and remembered the play. But what he remembered most vividly, was who sat in the seat next to him.
Times like these make childhood memories easier to remember, even 10 years later. Not a gift he received at Christmas, nor a prestigious Xbox achievement.
No matter what the occasion, no matter what sport, the mother continues to stand the side of her son at every sporting event, to spend time with one another.
Only until the man grew up, did he question if his mom even liked sports. He’ll never know. But what I do know is that my mom will never turn down an opportunity to watch a game with me.
In 2008, my mom took me on a seven-hour road trip to Omaha, Nebraska to watch the Kansas Jayhawks in the NCAA Tournament. We ended up traveling it four times and spent over three days talking and spending time with one another.
Whether it’s watching my beloved Yankees or the Jayhawks, she and I will always have a special bond in the sporting realm.