Quiet violence
“Hush” continues to strike fear into viewers even two years after release
Hush, a 2016 thriller, is a staple of modern horror with its unique way of terrorizing the human psyche. Maddie, a deaf writer, lives alone in the woods as to gain inspiration for her novels. Although she has friends that live nearby, she finds herself in isolation from the world outside of her computer and phone. However, without rhyme or reason, she begins to be terrorized by a man known as “Jack,” whose only desire is to watch her and torment her until she gives up fighting.
The movie is unique in that it uses little sound effects in comparison to other modern horrors, creating a much deeper and more painful setting of horror. With a deaf protagonist, they hold true to her situation, using American Sign Language, and the filmmakers using her deafness in a creative to torture the audience.
The absence of music provides the viewer with no warning before terror strikes.
Although the movie is reminiscent to the 1967 film “Wait Until Dark,” starring Audrey Hepburn, it holds horrors unique and thrilling all their own. Maddie is a character that audiences find easy to cheer for and find themselves wanting to help at first witness.
The movie is also something to be enjoyed cinematically. With its creative shots and artistic lighting, the movie quality is much higher than others in its field. Although the sound is unsettling, the quality of picture is something that does not allow the viewer to turn away.
“Hush,” explores a realistic reaction of how a strong individual may respond to when faced with true danger. Maddie is extremely intelligent and creative, making her relatable to viewers as she never quits fighting for her life and for her future.
No matter how many times I view the movie, it remains a personal favorite, not only on Halloween but all throughout the year. Above the horror, it is a visual representation of the power of the human will and its strength against trails.