The saying “what you do on the internet stays there forever” has never been more relevant. With social media as a common platform to instantly share thoughts, the consequences can be severe.
Once you allow others to view your posts, it is no longer in your control. Posting on social media shares parts of your life that you may end up regretting. While you might think it’s harmless, it could easily be taken out of context. The minute you hit “post”, it is put into someone else’s hands.
The internet gives each individual a voice and it has the potential to be powerful enough to impact someone’s else life-negative or positive. A viral video, a risky snapchat, or screenshots of conversations could result in damage to someone’s reputation.
Anyone could easily be a victim of cyberbullying. A popular social media platform,, allows anyone to post anonymous questions, an increasing amount of the content on the site being abusive or sexualized.
Although we are told to not conform to society’s norms, there’s a fine line between making a statement and potentially harming yourself. What you post on social media not only reflects your interests and passion, it reflects on your character and morals. With one simple tap of a screen and little consideration, those morals could be compromised.
Everyone is informed about the dangers of privacy and internet safety in general, but it doesn’t register until something negative happens. By then, it could be too late. Depending on how one uses their platform, social media can be beneficial and a way to interact with others. On the other hand, it can alter people’s perception indefinitely.