Ten Things I Have Learned as a Sophomore
1. Never run up or down the stairs at school. You WILL face utter humiliation when you fall on your face.
2. Check your feet before leaving the bathroom. There is a good chance you have a toilet paper train.
3. Always make sure the water fountain spout is facing the correct way.
4. Stay organized. Teachers tend to surprise their students with 100-point binder checks.
5. Do not get caught sleeping in class. You will wake up with a marker mustache.
6. Watch what you post on Twitter/Facebook. You never know who actually reads your posts.
7. Do not give anybody your iPhone password. You might check your phone and find that you owe iTunes $100 for a car starting app.
8. Be careful when you attend your first real, high school dance. You might learn some new dance moves that you had only preiously seen in “National Geographic.”
9. Always be nice to the seniors. It comes in handy later on in the year.
10. Do not get caught without a blue note. You will end up in detention.