I remember kindergarden. When everything was simple and there was naptime and my biggest worry was if someone would take the toy I wanted to play with. Boys had cooties and toys were gold.
Kindergarden was a great time. No one had to grow up and face the world.
Now I’m older and things are changing, and I see a lot more of the bad in the world. When I was little, it was a joy just to wake up in the morning and spend all day with my friends at school.
Now I can’t wait to get out and go far away and see my life begin. I was so scared of growing up and growing older. I didn’t want to leave Arkansas, I didn’t think I could make it. Now I’m going to California by myself for a month this summer.
I’m almost a senior. The years flew by. It seems like just last week I was a socially awkward middle schooler. I was on the dance team only three years ago.
I walked into newspaper last year and now I’m giving it all I got to be the editor. Things are changing and I’m only a junior. I’ve got one year left in high school before I’m off on my next great adventure.
Hopefully my dreams and goals in film will take place. Hopefully I get into the college of my choice. Whatever happens, I’m dead set on making the most of my time left.