Uninspired. That’s how I feel. I’m uninspired to continue to do well in school. I’m uninspired to feel motivated for the future. I’m uninspired to write this column. What’s the point? Where am I going? Why do I need to continue to do the things I do?
Day in and day out I wake up always feeling the way I do. I’m always looking, searching for something, anything to tell me that what I’m feeling is going to be worth it.
I’m happy. I have a wonderful family, great friends. Why wouldn’t I be happy? I’m just tried. I’m tired of doing the same things and getting nothing out of it. I’m tired of feeling the way I feel. Im tired of wishing away high school. I’m tired of being uninspired.
Life is suppose to be about striving for that one thing I want more than anything in the world. But what if I don’t know what the one thing I aspire to be is?
My entire future. Everything I mapped out for myself has been tossed out the window and I’m left with nothing but a confused lost feeling.
I know in the midst of it all, what I’m going through will be worth it one day. I’ll wake up one day, and I won’t feel the way I feel anymore. This uninspired feeling will be replaced with one of inspiration and motivation. Until that day I have to live each day at a time and wait, waiting for that inspiring feeling.