Living in Springdale for most of our lives, we have always grown up around a large Marshallese and Hispanic population. Our little corner of the state has the opportunity to boast about having the biggest Marshallese population of more than 12,000 out of our overall population of 88,000. So as of hearing about President Donald Trump’s new executive order to take away birthright citizenship to immigrants living in the United States, we all began to fear for the change about to happen. We were unsure of what our school and our communities would look like without the regular crowd of people surrounding our everyday lives.
Due to this act placed on Jan. 20, panic began to stir around the United States including inside schools after Trump issued an executive order on his first day in office to end birthright citizenship. Going against the 14th Amendment that was approved in 1868, people are undoubtedly fearful for what their future looks like. As ICE, the U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement, begins to go undercover, knock on doors, and set up around town, immigrants in schools are unsure of what to do. Sadly, there are many students that have already seen the effects of this order.
From a Hispanic perspective, the news was heartbreaking. Many members of my family were once undocumented immigrants, and while most of them were able to get their papers, not all of them were. The uncertainty of not knowing what will happen to the ones unable to obtain U.S citizenship, is a sinking feeling that continues to worsen. While the news hits close to home, there have been many immigrants as well as non-immigrants speaking out about their personal experiences and emotions towards the act.
A predominantly Hispanic church in Rogers has had multiple sightings of ICE cars in the parking lot, setting up for more raids and home invasions. Horrified to be seen congregating, the church’s regular members have avoided going to their Sunday service. The fear is beginning to become a harsh reality. This has caused many to live in constant worry of whether their friends and immediate family members will be unfairly treated.
Seeing this act take effect has proved to make daily tasks more difficult and dangerous. Due to those being put in threatening situations, many participated in the “Day Without Immigrants” protest to show solidarity with those who are actively being put in harm’s way. After noticing a huge difference in population at our school, we were curious as to exactly how many immigrants participated in this impactful protest. According to the attendance office, on an average day, 200-300 students are absent, while on the day of the protest there were roughly 600 students absent. Amidst the fear and uncertainty, there are calls for unity and awareness.
News reports have shown military aircrafts full of immigrants, legal and illegal, being sent to different countries around the world. These types of acts are disgusting to see, especially because of the fact that it has become clear that, even with all the proper papers, ICE is still able to assert their authority in an unconstitutional way. Fear is circulating in families everywhere, but so is anxiety and uncertainty. Due to this act taking effect on students at the school, our school’s Superintendent Jared Cleavland sent out a newsletter to address that the safety of the students is a top priority and what the procedures are in case of a direct conflict with ICE. Administration states they are committed to mandate a culture of safety for all students and staff.
As Springdale’s immigrant community and friends of the immigrant community navigate a landscape filled with uncertainty, terror, and occasionally hope, the resilience of those affected remains evident. Every story, experience, and voice matters, so whether through standing together in protest, offering support within faith communities, or speaking up for what is right, we are determined to ensure that our community’s voices are heard in the rising tide of hostility and fear.