A Hispanic student walked into her church in Rogers on Sunday to find her normal crowd severely thinned out after multiple undercover U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement vehicles had been spotted camping in their parking lot. With 75% of their church being Hispanic, their daily routines have been severely interrupted as ICE closes in towards them. The anonymous senior who has seen this dent in her church is worried about what is to come for her community.
“Before one of the raids that they had in Rogers, they used our West Side parking lot for the officers to subside before they went anywhere,” an anonymous senior said. “That’s why a lot of our members were really afraid of going because officers would know that we’re a Hispanic church and know when we congregate.”
Panic has stirred around the United States including inside schools after President Trump issued an executive order on his first day in office to end birthright citizenship. Going against the 14th amendment that was approved in 1868, people are fearful for what their future looks like. As ICE begins to go undercover, knock on doors, and set up around town, immigrants in schools are unsure of what to do. In the interview with the senior, continues to see the effects of this order.
“I have church members who don’t even want to come to church anymore because they’re so scared of stepping out of the doors,” the senior said. “Because now we found out that people are knocking on them, it’s even more worrisome for everybody.”
As more people are being taken from their homes, a big percentage of her church has avoided their normal routines due to the terror they are feeling. For others, like the anonymous junior, the fear is beginning to become a reality. Although their immediate family is not directly affected, many of their friends and their families live in constant worry.
“Everyone is kind of scared and they can’t do simple things like going to a store,” the junior said. “They have to think about all those things.”
Recently, they have seen this act take an effect on her close friends and family, making daily tasks more difficult and dangerous. The anonymous junior participated in the “Day Without Immigrants” protest to show solidarity with those affected.
“I just want to make an example of how things would be before Trump did that and how he is going to change a lot of things in the future,” the anonymous junior said, acknowledging how the political climate has changed the way communities navigate their daily lives.
In protest against this new act, many students participated in the “Day Without Immigrants”, making a significant dent in the student population. According to the attendance office, on an average day, 200-300 students are absent, while on the day of the protest there were roughly 600 students absent. Amidst the fear and uncertainty, there are calls for unity and awareness. Community members like the anonymous junior are advocating for immigrant rights and offering support through social media and community resources.
The junior thought that it was vital to participate in the protest. “We just have to show that we have a voice as well,” the junior said. “And not be scared to have that voice.”
Senior Davis McClure is passionate about what has been happening because he has seen his friends and their families struggling as well.
“It’s borderline harassing,” McClure said. “And I think it’s very dehumanizing the way that we are handling the immigration policies.”
Due to this act taking effect on students at the school, Superintendent Jared Cleavland sent out a newsletter to address that the safety of the students is a top priority and what the procedures are in case of a direct conflict with ICE.
“Children may only be checked out of school during the school day by approved individuals or those with legal authority to access the student,” Cleveland said. “This may include state or federal officials, but only with authority granted through statute or court order. However, we do not anticipate our schools becoming an enforcement ground for immigration matters.”
Administration states they are committed to mandate a culture of safety for all students and staff. Meanwhile, multiple sightings have been spotted around Springdale of Police Departments and ICE in undercover cars, knocking on doors and asking for papers without judicial warrants according to McClure.
“I think that it’s very hypocritical the way that we are handling immigration rights now,” McClure said. “Because I do believe that we should pay taxes and be documented, but I don’t think that the way that they’re treating immigrants is humane in any way possible.”
News reports have shown military aircrafts full of immigrants, legal and illegal, being sent to different countries around the world. McClure expresses that these acts are “disgusting.” Fear is circulating in families everywhere, but so is anxiety and uncertainty. A senior interviewee makes a point to say this situation is affecting immigrants’ mental health as well.
“It’s not just the fear and the worry of what’s going on in the outside world, I think it’s also the toll that it takes on people’s mental health,” the senior said. “People who own businesses such as construction and labor fields, they don’t even want to go. So that defeats that purpose of why they even came. Now they can’t make an income for themselves and be able to complete that purpose that they came for their families and stuff.”
There has been a lot of questioning of Trump’s act not just because it fails to align with the constitution, but because people are concerned about the economy if the majority of our labor workers gets deported. According to usafacts.org, over 19% of the United States workforce is made up of immigrants.
As Springdale’s immigrant community navigates a landscape filled with uncertainty, fear, and occasionally hope, the resilience of those affected remains evident. Whether through standing together in protest, offering support within faith communities, or speaking up for what is right, these individuals are determined to ensure that their voices are heard in a midst the rising tide of hostility and fear. Mclure reflects on the U.S. as a whole.
“I just think that as a nation, we’re lacking basic empathy for others, even if something doesn’t affect you, doesn’t mean you should keep your head in the sand,” McClure said. “I think that everybody has the right and ability to speak up when something’s wrong. You don’t have to be an activist to say something about it.”