Admin sticks it to student vehicles

Students raise questions about parking lot fees

As the second quarter begins, the complaints of students in reference to the policies laid out in the Student Handbook begin to boil. Whether it be lanyards or dress code violations, students tend to find themselves in a disagreement with the staff. However, when cars began to be stickered for not having passes, students grew restless.

“It all goes back to safety,” comments Patrick Scott, principal of ACME, on the purpose of the passes.

Although many students hold a strong dislike for the passes, most students don’t understand their purpose, providing one reason to the students disagreement with the system.

“We want to make sure that the people in our parking lot are supposed to be here, there are all sorts of people out there that want to do wrong and we don’t want them on our campus,” Scott said.

However, many students feel that parking passes do little to protect the safety of students and faculty.

“ If there was a threat and they parked in the high school, it would be too late…if there is someone already doing bad, there’s no way to stop them,” comments senior, Hannah Maggard.

Maggard shares a concern that is common amongst students when trying to understand the policies and their purpose.

The biggest problem for the student body however, is the $15 dollar parking pass. Although the fee is not very large in comparison to the $50 fee at fayetteville, according to 5News, students do not feel that they should have to purchase something that is mandatory for the school.

“I don’t mind buying the pass, but there’s no need for a high school parking pass to be $15. Its different for jobs or parking off site but its not needed for high school,” junior Bailey Hopkins adds to the discussion, much agreed to by Maggard.

“The $15 charge goes to maintenance of our parking areas such as signs and traffic flow…” said Scott, “the money always goes to our facilities or our students.”

According to the 2018-2019 Student Handbook, violations without a permit begin with a warning and the second ends with the vehicle being towed. If a student continues to park without pass, the student may have long term suspension or expulsion. If a student is unable to purchase the ticket due to financial situation, they are encouraged to speak to the office a solution will be found.