Band for the “wind”
December 1, 2015
Junior Emily Boyce and senior Russell Perez’s day starts much earlier than the average high school student. The two, along with the rest of the band, spend hours under the blazing sun every morning and commit a large portion of time to perfect their craft.
“It’s a big deal for all of us, because it gives us an opportunity to come together as a team so that all those hours and hours of hard work and practice will come together to make something musical. Our ultimate goal is to just do the best we can,” said Boyce.
On October 17th, the band made their way to Heritage High School, where they competed against Southside, Rogers, Harrison, and many other schools within the region.
“Competition is just a nice gauge to see how well our process of rehearsing led to what our product at the end of the season was. I knew the show would be great, but I was still extremely worried. Anything could’ve gone wrong, but if you put your heart and everything you’ve got into it, then you’ll never fail,” said Perez.
The band spent the afternoon waiting to perform against competing bands. In the moments that lead up to the competition, Boyce’s nerves had her on edge.
“Before we compete, I am always nervous. We always say that it doesn’t matter if we win or not, it’s all about the process. I was hoping and praying that we would do our best. Not that we would win necessarily, but that we would perform at the best of our abilities,” said Boyce.
Band members waited for the results that would determine who would take home the title of the grand champion. The announcement counted down from 10th place down to the first place winners.
“When it got down to 2nd and 1st place, we still hadn’t been announced. The whole band was holding their breaths. There was a long pause before the announcer revealed the 2nd place band, and it wasn’t us. That meant that the 1st place band could be us. Mr. Ford called us to attention and then our name echoed across the stadium,” said Boyce.
The band’s “Planets” show placed first in the entire competition for the second year in a row.
“I always have this disbelief and question if we really won. I didn’t truly realize it until we’re running and jumping and taking group pictures and enjoying the presence of everyone around. It’s a great and humbling feeling,” said Perez.
Students can join the band program starting in the seventh grade and for Perez, this will be his 6th and final year as a member of band.
“It’s really sad, because I made a lot of memories with this group and those will be something I hold on for the rest of my life. But they are my family and I know for a fact that graduating won’t break us apart that easily. Band used to be a challenge for me and now it’s something I love and look forward to everyday. There are so many amazing things that the Har-Ber Band and my directors have taught me and we’re doing something right here. It’s just special’ said Perez.
Perez and Boyce have been in involved with the Har-Ber band for several years now, but new to the program is sophomore Peyton Wilson. Wilson plays the snare on the drum line.
“Being a sophomore comes with a lot of responsibilities- the increase in the level of maturity and talent expected from ninth grade to now is astonishing. I was watching the senior band members before we competed and to see how much it meant to them to win, [and it] really put in perspective how big this really was. Everyone is genuinely excited about playing their instrument and marching to the best of their ability. To see the commitment and passion displayed is really cool,” said Wilson.
As with any activity whether it be sports, arts, or band, Wilson, Boyce, and Perez put time before and after school, as well as dedicating a full week before school to get a head start.
“I think for me, the thing that keeps me passionate is the hard work. I like the feeling of accomplishing something that I have worked so hard on. All the work we put into the music in band, whether in marching band or concert band is with all our hearts. I know I am speaking for the whole band here. I love creating something beautiful and that is what music is. It’s something beautiful that is always there for us no matter what. Whether we’re the ones making the music or the ones listening, I think for everyone, it’s something that lifts you up,” said Boyce.