In the A200 boys bathroom Sept. 12, a few boys decided to vandalize the bathroom. They did everything from flushing the tube holding the toilet paper to kicking the trim off the sink counter.
“They were disrespectful to our janitors, teachers, students, everyone who has ever put any effort into Har-Ber high school,” said principal Danny Brackett.
A series of incidents involving vandalism over the last three weeks prompted administration to create a new system in which students must sign in and out when leaving the classroom at any time. It is too early at this point in time to determine if this new system is working, but the principals, including Mr. Rob Lindley, are hopeful.
The whole new system consists primarily of sign in sheets, but other steps have also been taken to prevent vandalism, including assigning teachers to monitor the halls and paying close attention to the video camera footage.
“It’s really important to us that we know where you are. I know that sounds childish, but we’re doing this for your safety,” said Lindley. He went on to emphasize that this checking in and out and having monitors in the hallways not only prevents vandalism from occurring, but also provides extra protection around the school from outside that could potentially harm the school, its staff, or its students.
Contrary to popular belief, vandalism is not strictly limited to writing and carving. Common acts of vandalism also include stopping toilets up with toilet paper so that they overflow and breaking off stall doors.
“A lot of times, we see profanity, but this time there was mainly taking toilet paper and stopping up the commodes. We’ve also had a couple of writing incidents that might’ve been gang symbols, but we’re still not sure exactly what they were,” said Lindley.
Students aren’t necessarily warming up to this new process though. Athletes have the most trouble with not being able to go to the bathroom because they are instructed by their coaches to drink water, but are not able to use the restroom when they need to.
“I’m supposed to stay hydrated,” said sophomore Kianna Rutledge, member of the soccer team and the cheer team. “How am I supposed to drink half my body weight and not be able to pee? It’s inhumane.”
Rutledge is not the only one with a strong opinion on not being able to go when necessary. With coaches cracking down on hydration, student athletes are struggling with the new system.
Teachers are also having a difficult time with the new system, but in a different way. The lines are still blurred as to when to let students leave the classroom at any time, so some are not even allowing students to leave at all.
“Some teachers think that because you have to sign out, you can’t go at all,” said sophomore Bryce Yates, member of the football team.
“Some teachers think it’s just too much of a hassle,” said senior Caleb Gray, member of the baseball team.
It is becoming popular belief that everyone is now unable to leave the classroom at any time, which is not the case. Students’ frustration with the miscommunication is obvious through what they have to say about the new system.
“Using the bathroom is a right, not a privilege,” said sophomore Jordan Setser, member of the dance team. “It sucks that we can’t go when we need to.”
At this time, the system seems to be working, because no reports of vandalism have surfaced. Clearly, the kinks, specifically the miscommunication between administration and staff, have yet to be worked out, but one thing is definite: everyone, students and staff, are ready to see how this new system turns out.
“If that didn’t work, what they need to do is walk students like elementary kids,” said janitor Corey. “If they want to act like kids, that’s how they should be treated.”