It is 7:56. Students begin to slowly gather around the flagpole in front of the school. Most students would never dream of being at school before 8:30, yet over 100 students, faculty, and visitors participated in the annual international event, See You At The Pole.
Senior Josh Hoover woke up early on his birthday to come out and participate.
“It’s incredible to look around and see all the other believers around you and just to know that you’re not by yourself and that there’s a foundation of other students there that love Christ just as much as you do. It’s awesome!” said Hoover.
Students had the opportunity to write down their prayer requests on a board placed outside next to the flagpole.
“I was praying for opportunities to able to share about what Jesus did for me and what Jesus did for everybody,” said Hoover.
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) along with Youth For Christ help in administering SYATP.
“It gathers not just athletes, but it gathers all students,” said Coach Sandra Temple, eight-year administrator of FCA.
“[I want] to help share the love of Christ with students and help them have a voice in our student body,” said Temple.
SYATP gives students and faculty the chance to openly pray at school because being different or religious can be extremely challenging in high school.
“People will persecute you for being different,” said senior Chase Colvin.
The event serves as a reminder to students that they are not alone and that there are many others that can help support them.
“Teenage pressures make you want to conform to the world and it’s hard to overcome that unless you have a core group that is keeping you accountable,” said Temple.