Data communications Mr. Andrew Fairchild along with his companion Mr. Brad Love began a new project. Pulling cable and drilling holes to mount new televisions around the school.
21st century schools is a program that brings technology into schools to improve the connection through students and the world around the whether its national news or a club meeting, the program is there to inform students.
“The level of communication should increase throughout the school.” Said senior principle Aaron Harris.
Mr. Harris appointed computer lab manager Jeff Wiemer to be in charge of the new programs system.
“It’s a pretty big responsibility, I’m glad Harris had enough confidence in me to give me this responsibility.” Said Mr. Wiemer
The program being used on the TV’s is called media side pro which is installed on a Macintosh computer in the library. Mr. Wiemer hasn’t had too much experience with this program, but he did download a fourteen day free trial to try to get to know the program better.
“ it should be fun once the program is up and running.” Said Mr. Wiemer
Mr. Harris and Mr. Wiemer hope to have the system up and running by the start of second semester if not sooner. Students will be able to view website updates, twitter feed from theHar-Ber Herald, announcements, and news stories and much more on the seven televisions placed around the school.
“I hope everyone enjoys it, we have all worked hard and tried our hardest to get the TV’s and program that goes along with it. This is 100% for the students, I expects it will help students be more aware of what’s happening around the school and upcoming events.” said Mr.Wiemer.