Junior Kailee Neil works at home on her courses that have been assigned as part of AMI.
In between video game sessions (particularly ROT), senior Bryant Cassady sits at his house finishing his AMI work assigned by AP chemistry teacher Rachel Davis. Students across the state are continuing their education from home, partaking in online work assigned by teachers.
“I have enjoyed AMI because of the extended Spring Break, however I prefer regular school of actually learning,” Cassady said.
Teachers across the district have also felt the stress of needing to complete lesson plans and work for all of the students. All teachers have been available during normal school hours for help with work, and will email students back within a 30 minute window. History teacher Fabrizio Campagnola has had many students email with questions.
“It has been challenging to come up with enough lesson plans for the entire week, and to provide separate work for students that do not have internet access. I have had to come up with different ways for students without the internet to come receive the information,” Campagnola said.
The hard work teachers have put into this new process has not gone unnoticed by students. Senior Hannah Fisk recognizes it can be just as difficult for the teachers in this situation.
“Of course things are a little bumpy because this is completely new to everyone, but I’d say our teachers and administrators are doing just about as well as they could be all things considered,” Fisk said.
While many students are not particularly enjoying the disruption in classes and school activities, many admit that it is necessary to protect everyone from disease.
“I definitely prefer regular school. I’d prefer that my senior year play out exactly how I thought it would,” Fisk said, “But it’s all about the bigger picture. I’m willing to sacrifice some stuff, even the stuff that seems really important right now, if it means that the people around me stay safe and healthy.”
After Governor Asa Hutchinson extended the AMI learning to at least April 17, the period that students and teachers will be out of school is even longer. Even though many people are unhappy with the situation, schools have reminded students to make the best out of the situation.
“I can’t wait for things to return to normal, but everyone has to play their part,” Campagnola said. “The faster the disease stops spreading, the faster everything is back to normal.”