The All Region Band Clinic that took place Jan. 17-18 comprised of the best band members throughout the area. The clinic was held at Har-Ber, where the average band student was separated from the top musician who will take on competition at the state level.
With 246 students making up the Wildcat Band, many Har-Ber band students would say All Region is an important event. Har-Ber students continued to impress by delivering exceptional performances while competing against other schools such as Springdale, Fayetteville, and schools even as far as in West Fork. 246
“Making All Region is a huge honor, because there are kids coming in from all over surrounding schools and only a select few out of hundreds qualify,” said alto saxophone player Jacob Velliquette.
The band worked diligently for over two months to make the All Region band and the students spent the weeks leading up to All Region perfecting their music pieces.
“We’ve been focusing on our pieces for All Region since the end of marching season. I practice with my instrument every other night in preparation,” said alto saxophone player Austin Harbison.
With the guidance of Jeremy Ford, the band director, band students set a new record at All Region tryouts; 84 students from Har-ber qualified for the All Region clinic. Out of the 84 band members who competed in All Region, 45 students qualified for All State up from 34 last year.
“This will be my first time competing in All State. It’ll be tough, but it’ll definitely be a great experience. I’m excited,” said Velliquette.
Mr. Ford will prep the All State qualifiers for their upcoming auditions in February. Without question, he shares the same passion band students do for music.
“God has been very good to me and my family as I have been blessed to have started the band program here at Har-Ber and been able to see these students succeed so mightily,” said Mr. Ford.