On Saturday, May 5th Ms. Kim Oliver and members of her Student Counsel attended the Arkansas Miracle League at Miracle League Fields. There, they served as “buddies” which are the volunteers to help the kids play baseball.
For those who don’t know, the Miracle League is a baseball league that started in 1999 that is designed for any child above the age of four who has been diagnosed with some form of mental or physical disability.
Many may ask how some of these children are able to navigate the field, which is actually pretty interesting. Normal baseball diamonds weren’t made with people in wheelchairs or crutches in mind. These fields are made of recycled automobile tires that make navigation easier and can even cushion the blow if someone were to fall. The presence of one of the volunteer “buddies” doesn’t hurt either.
The process in which student council decided to help in something like the Miracle League was coordinated by Senior and Student Council President Zach Ford. Volunteering as “buddies” was something that they decided on their own and is in no way involved with the school or district.
When asked what the Miracle League meant to them Oliver replied, “I think its net to see kids who don’t normally get to participate get to”.
Which is really what the League is all about. The whole point is for these kids to get to participate in something that they normally do not. No one looses, everyone wins. Also everyone gets a chance to bat, and all bases are considered ‘safe’!