Calm and with purpose junior Chase Colvin steps up in front of his English 11 class to share eight events about his life in the project known as “Soundtrack to our Lives”.
“This project meant sharing an important part of my life with a mixed group of close friends, new friends and strangers,” said Colvin.
Junior English teacher Katy Moore got the idea for this project during a teacher education session. Working alongside English teacher Jessica Shelton, the two started this project in 2009. Some changes were made to the project in efforts to include music.
“Soundtrack to our Lives” involves the students thinking about eight events that happened in their lives to make them who they are today. Next they decide what music connects them to that event, they write the title, artist, event and explain the connection on a webpage that the students designed themselves.
“I really believe music is universal, and I want to get to know my students better,” said Mrs. Moore. “That is why we do this project.”
The students had a week to complete this project. They were given it the first Friday of school and were allowed class time to complete it. The teachers do not grade on grammar, although they use the assignment to help them decide what to teach.
“I want this to be a reflective piece for the students. I don’t judge them. I feel honored that they have written this information and shared with me and the class,” said Mrs. Moore.
The students really enjoyed this assignment and the teachers loved learning more about the kids in their classes.