The legacy of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be carried on throughout the next school year. Seniors such as Les Harrison, Ryan Luther, Taylor Stewart, Gordon Welch, and many others bought turtle backpacks, t-shirts, flags, and lunch boxes in order to become the Ninja Turtles of the school. The group really brought the idea to life during Spirit Week on Super Hero Day. They dressed out in full Ninja Turtle gear and carried their flag together around the school.
With the seniors graduating and moving on to bigger and better things, sophomores Hannah Ash, Haylee Couch, and Alliyah Brown have stepped up to the plate to carry on the legacy. Next year, the girls hope the school will again host Super Hero Day during Spirit Week. On that day, they too will be decked out in Ninja Turtle merchandise.
“If they don’t have Super Hero Day, then we’ll just be Ninja Turtles every other day of the year,” said Ash.
This summer, the three have already decided to go out and buy the turtle backpacks, “Snuggies,” bracelets, and any other Ninja Turtle accessories. They also hope that some of the original Ninja Turtles will pass down a few items to them such as the TMNT lunchboxes and flag.
“We really like Ninja Turtles,” said Ash. “Watching the Ninja Turtle seniors kind of rule the school made us want to be like them in a way.”
The three sophomores are not just fans of the TMNT seniors, but they also enjoy the show
“We are in love with the actual Ninja Turtles,” said Couch. “We all just really enjoy the show.”
The first step to becoming a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle will involve the handing down of the lunchboxes. From then on, it will be up to Ash, Couch, and Brown to continue the legacy throughout the rest of their high school careers.
“I just want to feel like a super hero everyday,” said Ash. “It’s just so awesome.”