iPhone IOS 14 update sparks creativity
As confusing as the new Apple IOS 14 update is, it has sparked creativity in teenagers. The process of transforming your apps takes up a lot of the time in your day to get it to your liking. Downloading multiple apps and saving countless pictures still take up a big amount of data space on your phone. Even though the update lets you customize your apps and home screens to whatever you want, this update isn’t as amazing as others are making it seem.
This new update has given teenagers the chance to reveal their personalities through their phone screens. Thinking of creative themes and finding aesthetically pleasing pictures has been the new trend for the update. Social media, such as “TikTok”, has impacted this new iPhone feature. Pinterest has also been an inspirational platform to find pictures to download to change the app icons.
However, the app transformation is an exhausting process. This activity can only begin if you download these specific apps: “Widgetsmith”, “Color Widgets”, and “Shortcuts”. You can change any app icon including the weather, calendar, and camera icons.
To transform an app cover, you first have to go to “Shortcuts”, press the plus sign on the home page, and then click “open app”. Then you can proceed to choose any app you want to change. Click the three dots after choosing the app of your choice, click add to home screen, and then choose any photo that you have already in your camera roll or from what you downloaded on Pinterest.
Finally, you can go to the widget app to create one giant picture to add to your home screen. Most people choose to add an inspirational quote or a picture of them and their friends. It may take a while to figure out how to practice this process, but you will get the hang of it.
One problem that has been occurring on phones after downloading the new update, is that every time you open an app, it glitches for about one second by taking you to the “Shortcuts” page and then it takes you to the app you originally chose. No one that I know has been able to get past this irritating glitch.
Despite the glitches and endless amount of hours to create, the update is essentially just a fun activity to partake in for when you’re bored. Yes, it is fun to get your creative juices flowing, but I soon got bored of what my phone screen looked like and changed it. If you choose to download the update, just keep in mind of the exhausting process and exasperating process.