The energy level is high as you enter the Arkadia Retrocade. Immediately after walking into the retro-feel lounge, you’re greeted by owner, Shea Mathis, instantly feeling welcomed.
“Just five dollars. No tokens, no tickets, no re-entry fee. You’re buying it for the day. It’s simple and I do simple,” said Mathis.
The arcade is home to over 125 arcade games. The Fayetteville native has travelled all the way to the East coast to retrieve games and some were found right in his backyard.
“They’re everywhere if you’re looking. Flea markets, Craigslist, and local auctions,” said Mathis.
According to Mathis, the most universally known game at the arcade is Galaga for the gamers. The younger kids recognized an array of the games such as Fit-It-Felix, Pac-Man, and Donkey Kong.
“We cast a pretty wide net. We have people ages from 6 to 60. The little kids love video games- it’s lost on them that these games are 30 and 40 years old. It’s just fun to them, but then we have the people closer to my age, the ones who grew up in the 70’s and 80’s, they remember the games and have a fondness for them,” said Mathis.
Arkadia Retrocade, located in the Evelyn Hills Shopping Center, opened up nearly two and a half years ago, being the first full arcade in the Northwest Arkansas area in nearly 15 years.
Mathis is planning on expanding his arcade business even more in the next year.
“I just recently bought the empty space next door and expanding 2000 sq feet. We’ll be able to add around 60 more games,” said Mathis.
The family-friendly environment paired with the youthful appeal creates an affordable outing for all ages, closing the generation gap. With nostalgic feels and retro vibes Arkadia Retrocade is a hit in our book.