Walking into Target one day to buy a gift for a friend, I noticed in the one dollar section plants that you could grow yourself! Now, growing flowers is cool and stuff but I love food with all my heart so when I saw that you could grow your very own strawberries for one dollar I was thrilled. I was shocked and excited and could not wait to rush home to begin my new career as a strawberry farmer.
For one dollar, I bought the red pot with a small disk of dirt and a package of seeds inside and hurried home.
There I stood before my sink, my heart filled with hope that soon I would have my very own successful strawberry plant, and only for one dollar!
I followed the instructions, putting five tablespoons of water and no more than six seeds into the soil.
That was two weeks ago and you know what, I HAVE YET TO SEE ANY ACTION FROM THIS DARN PLANT. I had so much hope for this plant you know, and my dream of being a strawberry farmer has been crushed. I followed the instructions making sure the soil was moist and I placed the pot in a sunny place but still no strawberries. Not even a green sprout has risen from the soil unfortunately.
My friend also bought a strawberry plant with me and her plant has yet to show any sign of growth as well.
These plants seem like a good idea filled with yummy fruit and a good time but in reality all I bought was a pot filled with disappointment in dirt form. Maybe just the strawberry plants don’t work because Target also had for sale tomato, sunflower, basil, cilantro, daisy, and poppy flower grow kits.
Even though my plant has yet to grow yet, I will not give up on it and will continue to water it when it needs it. I’ll let you know if it grows at all but until then, wish me luck with my strawberry plant please.