A classic story of aliens on Earth doesn’t even began to describe “I Am Number Four”. The movie’s action-packed storyline involves Alex Pettyfer, Timothy Olyphant, Dianna Agron and Callan McAuliffe.
John Smith (Alex Pettyfer) is the fourth survivor of nine from his home planet. He knows the first three have been killed by the murderers attempting to kill them each in order, and he knows that he is next. With the discovery of his new abilities, Smith is now forced to figure out what he can and cannot do as well as protect the ones he loves. This is all while trying to find the five others of his kind.
The screenplay is easy to follow and provides entertainment of a dramatic story of aliens coming to Earth.
The cinematography provides a focus on the key subject and displays the action in the most talented way. The quick shots of shooting guns and exploding buildings and football fields draws the viewer in.
The character development throughout the film is extraordinary. The viewer is able to see and feel each person grow up and change for the better.
The ending of the film leaves room for more to come, which only draws the viewer in more. This is definitely a movie to see, one that’s action-packed and full of adventure.