The thrilling “Hunger Games” series-ending book Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins will not disappoint its fans. The story of a 17-year-old girl named Katniss fighting against the evil government of Panem continues. The book unfolds with a dark, dreary mood as the teen wanders her way through the remains of her old city, District 12.
Many people she once knew were turned into ash from the recent bombing of the Capitol, (where the president of Panem lives), or they were relocated to the underground city of Disrict 13. Katniss is told she must become the “Mockingjay” and become the face of the rebellion against the Capitol to end the Hunger Games. Filled with emotions including confusion, sadness, and anger, Katniss struggles to to decide what is best for her. Should she becoming the Mockingjay? Which boy does she choose? Gale or Peeta?
The book is filled with action, passion, and even a bit of romance. Although it takes a short while for the wheels of the story to begin to turn, eventually the action picks up. It keeps readers on the edge of their seats while each page is filled with one jaw-dropping event after the next. In the end, Mockingjayreveals Katniss’s true affections and answers all the questions its readers have been asking.