In 1997 the world was struck with the release of the first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Now 13 years years millions of fans were hit with the release of the first half of the final chapter in an epic adventure. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One.
Throughout the years each movie has come out with the help of four different directors. David Yates directed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One rather successfully in my opinion. He portrayed the story almost exactly like the book. Although the film adaptation has its changes, they are mostly due to how long the film would be if it was a picture perfect twin to the book.
The screenplay of the movie kept all the main parts from Bill and Fleur’s wedding to the significance of the items Dumbledore left Harry, Ron and Hermione. Creating a closer relation of book and movie than the sixth book and movie (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) held. Despite differences such as Dobbys early appearance with Kreacher and Mundungus Fletcher. Small differences that don’t necessarily affect the outcome of the story in my opinion.
I also think the actors have developed into their roles as each year and movie have gone by. Yes, the screenplay helps relate the film and movie but the actors create the vision. Watching Daniel Radcliffe grow from the boy who slept under the stairs to the teenager who watched his friend die to the adult who set out to defeat the Dark Lord makes the movie more powerful.
The way the movie was filmed was visually appealing to the watcher. The shots were simple yet drew the watcher into another magical world. The editing of the movie drew the watcher deeper into the story without one noticing it. Seeing the bubbles and ice of the lake in such a way that made you realize the suffering Harry Potter was going through allowed for emotions to rise up.
Throughout the screenplay, acting and cinematography of the world of Harry Potter draws the watcher in and doesn’t let go until its 146 minutes is up.